Seid H.
Pourtakdoust Professor
Selected Publications
A., Pourtakdoust Seid H., Kiani M., Sheikhi A., Alikhani A.,
“Experimental Validation of a Novel Radiation Based Model for
Spacecraft Attitude Estimation”, Accepted for publication in the
Journal of Sensors And Actuators A-Physical, September 2016.
http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0924424716304563 . -
Raouf N.,
Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Time Varying Structural Reliability of
Launch Vehicle via Extreme Response Approach”, Accepted for
publication in AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, July
2016. -
H., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Systems Engineering Optimization of
Omid-2 in the Conceptual Design Phase”, Journal of Systems
Engineering and Electronics, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 634-648, June
2016. -
Raouf N.,
Pourtakdoust Seid H., Ashuri B., Rajabi A., “Structural
Reliability Analysis of a Solid Rocket Motor with Ellipsoidal
Cap ”, AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets,Vol. 53,No.2 ,pp.
389-392, March 2016. -
M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., Parnianpour M., “Optimal Control of
Human-like Musculoskeletal Arm: Prediction of Trajectory and
Muscle Forces ”, Accepted for publication in the Journal of
Optimal Control Applications & Methods, March 2015. -
Kiani M.,
Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Adaptive Square-Root Cubature-Quadrature
Kalman Particle Filter via KLD-Sampling for Orbit Determination ”, Journal of Aerospace Science and
Technology, Volume 46,pp. 159-167 , Elsevier, 2015.
Jamali S.,
Pourtakdoust Seid H., Mosavi J.,“
Multidisciplinary and Multi-objective Design Optimization of a
Flying projectile Using Evolutionary Algorithm (NSGA-II) ”,
Accepted for publication in the Journal of Aeronautical
Engineering , ISSN : 17359449 , Vol. 13,No. 1, pp. 23-37 ,
Aeronautical University of Science and Technology , Iran ,Spring
2015 (in Persian).
Kiani M.
, Pourtakdoust Seid H., Sheikhi A. “Consistent Calibration of
Magnetometers for Nonlinear Attitude Determination”, The
Measurement Journal , Vol. 73, pp. 180-190 , Elsevier, 2015.
Kiani M.
, Pourtakdoust Seid H., “State Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamic
Systems Using Weighted Variance-based Adaptive Particle Swarm
optimization ”, Journal of Applied Soft Computing,
Vol. 34, pp. 1-17, Elsevier, 2015.
Sayanjali M., . Pourtakdoust Seid
H , “Optimal Trajectory Design to Halo Orbits via
Pseudo-Invariant Manifolds using a Nonlinear Four Body
Formulation ” ,
Acta Astronautica,
Vol. 110,
pp. 115-128, Elsevier February 2015.
Raouf N.,Pourtakdoust Seid H.,
“Launch Vehicle Multi-Objective Reliability-Redundancy
Optimization Using a Hybrid GA-PSO ”,
Proceedings of the IMechE, Part G- Journal
of Aerospace Engineering ,Volume 229(10), pp.1785-
1797, Sage
Publishing, 2015.
Darvish K.,
Pourtakdoust Seid H.,
“Linear and Nonlinear Control Strategies for Formation and
Station Keeping of Spacecrafts within the Context of the Three
Body Problem ”,
Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 42, pp.
12-24 , Elsevier, 2015.
Kiani M., Pourtakdoust Seid H.,
“Orbit Determination via Adaptive Gaussian Swarm Optimization”,
Advances in Space Research, Vol. 55, pp. 1028-1037,
Elsevier, February 2015.
M. Kiani, Pourtakdoust Seid H.
, “Adaptive Square-Root Cubature-Quadrature Kalman
Particle Filter for Satellite Attitude Determination Using
Vector Observations”, Acta Astronautica, Volume 105,pp 109-116,
Karimi J.,Pourtakdoust Seid H.,
“A Real-Time Algorithm for Variable-Objective Motion Planning
over Terrain and Threats ”,
Proceedings of the IMechE, Part G- Journal
of Aerospace Engineering , DOI:
10.1177/0954410014543807, 2014 .
Sayanjali M., Pourtakdoust Seid
“Fourth Body Gravitation Effect on the Resonance Orbit
Characteristics of the Restricted Three Body Problem”,
Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in
Engineering Systems,
Volume 72(6), pp. 957-972, Springer
Publishing, 2014 .
Kiani M. , Pourtakdoust Seid H.,
“Concurrent Orbit and Attitude Estimation Using Minimum Sigma
Points Unscented Kalman Filter”,
Proceedings of the IMechE, Part G- Journal
of Aerospace Engineering ,Volume 228(6), pp. 801-819,Sage
Publishing, 2014
Pourtakdoust Seid H.,
Kiani M.,
“Spacecraft Attitude and System Identification via Marginal
Modified Unscented Kalman Filter Utilizing the Sun and
Calibrated Three-Axis-Magnetometer Sensors ”, Scientia Iranica,Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering,
Volume 21,No .4, pp. 1451-1460, 2014.
Karimi J., Pourtakdoust Seid H.,
“Optimal Maneuver-Based Motion Planning over Terrain and Threats
using a Dynamic Hybrid PSO Algorithm”,
Journal of Aerospace Science and
Technology, No. 26 , pp. 60-71, ISSN: 1270-9638 ,
Elsevier, 2013.
Pourtakdoust Seid H., Karimian S., Mazaheri K., Ebrahimi A., “
Experimental Analysis of a Flapping Aeroelastic Wing and
Derivation of Genaralized Curves ”, Journal of
Aeronautical Engineering , ISSN : 17359449 , Vol. 14,No. 1, pp.
13-25 , Aeronautical University of Science and Technology , Iran
,Spring 2012 (in Persian).
Kiani M. , Pourtakdoust Seid H.,
Attitude and System Identification using Marginal Reduced UKF
utilizing the Sun and Calibrated TAM Sensors”,
Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 225 ,pp. 417-422, Trans
Tech Publications, Switzerland , 2012
Karimi J.,
Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Integrated
Motion Planning and Trajectory Control system for Unmanned Air
Proceedings of the IMechE, Part G- Journal
of Aerospace Engineering ,
227(1) , pp. 3-18, 2012 , Sage Publishing.
Pourtakdoust Seid H.,
Karimian S., “Evaluation of Flapping Wing Propulsion Based on a
New Experimentally Validated Aeroelastic Model”,
Scientia Iranica,Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering, Vol.
19, Issue 3, pp. 472-482, March
H., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Systems Engineering of Omid, the First
Domestic Satellite of the I.R. of Iran”, Journal of Systems Engineering ,
Vol. 15,Issue 3,pp. 307-320, Wiley-Blackwell , Fall 2012.
Karimi j.
, Nobahari H., Pourtakdoust S. H., “A new Hybrid Approach for
Dynamic Continuous Optimization Problems ”,
Journal of Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 12, Issue 3, pp.
1158-1167, Elsevier, 2012.
Pourtakdoust Seid H., M. Rezaei, J. Karimi, K. Shojaee , “
Development of a Mushy State Simulated Annealing Algorithm for
the Design of an optimal Path Regulator Autopilot System ”, Journal of
Aeronautical Engineering , ISSN : 17359449 , Vol. 13,No. 1, pp.
23-37 , Aeronautical University of Science and Technology , Iran
,Spring 2011 (in Persian). -
Karimi j.
, Pourtakdoust Seid H., Nobahari H., “Trim and Maneuverability
Analysis of a UAV Using a New Constrained PSO Approach ”,
International Journal of Aerospace Science and
Technology, Vol. 8, Issue 1,pp. 45-56, ISSN: 1735-2134, Iranian Aerospace
Society, October 2011.
Pourtakdoust Seid H., M. Kiani, Hassanpour A., “Optimal Trajectory
Planning for Flight through Microburst Wind Shears”, Journal of Aerospace Science and
Technology, Volume 15,pp. 567-576, Elsevier, 2011.
M. Jafari
Nadoushan, Pourtakdoust Seid H.,“ Modeling Halo Orbits and the
Associated Manifolds in the RCTBP ”, Journal of Space Science
and Technology (JSST), Iranian Aerospace Society, Vol. 3, No.1 & 2
,Spring and Summer 2010, pp. 75-80 (in Persian).
Assadian N., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Multiobjective Genetic
Optimization of the Earth-Moon Trajectories”,
Advances in Space Research, Vol. 45, Issue 3, pp. 398-409,
Elsevier, February 2010.
Assadian N., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “On the Quasi-Equilibria of the
Bi-Elliptic Four-Body Problem with Non-Coplanar Motion of
Acta Astronautica,
Vol. 66,
Issues 1-2, pp. 45-58, Elsevier February 2010.
Pourtakdoust Seid H., R. Moradi, Kamyar R., “Optimal Coupled
Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking Using Gauss Pseudospectral and
Step by Step Linearization”, Journal of Space Science and
Technology (JSST), Iranian Aerospace Society, Vol. 2, No. 4,
Summer 2009, pp. 1-16 (in Persian).
Pourtakdoust Seid H., F. Pazooki and M. Fakhri Noushabadi “A
Neuro-optimal Approach for Thrust-Insensitive Trajectory
Journal of Aircraft Engineering and
Aerospace Technology, Vol. 81, No. 3, pp. 212-220,
Emerald Group Publishing, May 2009.
Ghanbarpour Asl H.,
Pourtakdoust Seid H., Samani M. ,“A New Non-linear Algorithm for
Complete Pre-Flight Calibration of Magnetometers in the
Geomagnetic Field Domain ”,
Proceedings of the IMechE, Volume 223, Part G- Journal
of Aerospace Engineering , April 2009 , Professional
Engineering Publishing.
Jalali Naini S. H., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Explicit Minimum Fuel
Intercept Strategy”,
Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, Transaction B:
Engineering, Vol. 34, No. B2, pp 197-213, Shiraz University,
Iran, February 2009.
Ghanbarpour-Asl H., Pourtakdoust
Seid H. ,“Strapdown Attitude Estimation Using IMU and Altimeter
Integration for Maneuvering Vehicles”,
Amirkabir Journal of Science and
Technology , Volume 69, December 2008 (in
Pourtakdoust Seid H., Fakhri M., and Assadian N., “Development of
an Integrated Design Environment for Optimal Ascent Trajectory
Planning,” Journal of Space Science and Technology (JSST),
Iranian Aerospace Society, Vol., 1, No. 1, 2008, pp. 1-10 (in
Heydari A., Pourtakdoust Seid
H., “Time Optimal Slew Maneuver of Magnetically Actuated LEO
International Journal of Aerospace Science and
Technology, ISSN: 1735-2134, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp.
51-56, Iranian Aerospace Society, June 2008.
Jalali Naini S. H., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “On the Predicted
Errors of Atmospheric Guidance Laws”,
Journal of Aircraft Engineering and
Aerospace Technology, Vol. 80, No.3,
pp.263-273 , Emerald Group Publishing, May 2008.
Nobahari H., Pourtakdoust Seid
H., “An Optimal-Fuzzy Two-Phase CLOS Guidance Law Design Using
Ant Colony Optimization ”,
The Aeronautical Journal , Vol. 111, No. 1124, pp. 621-636, Royal Aeronautical Society,
U.K , October 2007.
Pourtakdoust Seid H., Ghanbarpour Asl H., “ An Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter for
Quaternion Based Orientation Estimation in Low Cost AHRS ”, Journal
of Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology ,
Vol. 79, No. 5, pp. 485-493, Emerald Group Publishing,
Jalali Naini S. H.,
Pourtakdoust Seid H., “A Modified Midcourse Guidance Law
Based on Generalized Collision Course”,
International Journal of Aerospace Science and
Technology, ISSN: 1735-2134, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp.
113-123 ,Iranian Aerospace Society, September 2006.
Nobahari H., Alasty A.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “Design of a Supervisory Controller
for CLOS Guidance with Lead Angle”,
Journal of Aircraft Engineering and
Aerospace Technology, Vol. 78, No. 5, pp. 395-406,
Emerald Group Publishing, 2006.
Fazelzadeh S. A., Pourtakdoust Seid H., Assadian N., “Stochastic Analysis of Two Dimensional Nonlinear
Panels with Structural Damping Under Random Excitation”,
Journal of Aerospace Science and
Technology, No. 10 , pp. 192-198, ISSN: 1270-9638 ,
Elsevier, 2006.
Pourtakdoust Seid H., Novinzadeh A.
B., “Time Optimal Closed-Loop Fuzzy-Control Strategy for
Nonlinear Lunar Lander Mission”,
International Journal of Aerospace Science and
Technology, ISSN: 1735-2134, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp.
27-36, Iranian Aerospace Society, December 2005.
Nobahari H., Pourtakdoust Seid H.,
“Optimal Fuzzy CLOS Guidance Law Design Using Ant Colony
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.
3777, Stochastic Algorithms, Foundations and
Applications, pp 95-106, Springer, October 2005.
Pourtakdoust Seid H., Rahbar N.,
Novinzadeh A. B., “Non-linear Feedback Optimal Control Law for
Minimum-time Injection Problem Using Fuzzy System”,
Journal of Aircraft Engineering and
Aerospace Technology ,Vol. 77 ,No. 5, pp. 376-383,
Emerald Group Publishing, 2005.
Pourtakdoust Seid H., Fazelzadeh S. A., “Nonlinear Aerothermoelastic Behavior of Skin
Panel with Wall Shear Stress Effect”,
Journal of Thermal Stresses,
Vol. 28, Number 2, Taylor & Francis, February 2005.
Pourtakdoust S. H., Nobahari
H., “An Extension of Ant Colony System to Continuous
Optimization Problems”,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.
3172, Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm intelligent,
pp. 294-301, Springer, September 2004.
Pourtakdoust Seid H., Assadian
N., “Investigation of Thrust Effect on the Vibrational
Characteristics of Flexible Guided Missiles”,
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
No. 272, Elsevier, April 2004.
Pourtakdoust Seid H., Assadian
N., “Aeroelastic Analysis of Guided Hypersonic Launch Vehicles”,
International Journal of Science and
Technology, Vol. 11, No.1, pp. 26-36, Spring 2004.
Pourtakdoust Seid H., Fazelzadeh S. A., “Chaotic Analysis of Nonlinear Viscoelastic
Panel Flutter in Supersonic Flow”,
Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in
Engineering Systems, Vol. 32, Issue 4, pp. 387-404,
Springer, June 2003.
Pourtakdoust S. H.,
Fazelzadeh S. A., “Effect of Structural Damping on Chaotic
Behavior of Nonlinear Panel Flutter”,
Iranian Journal of Science and
Technology, Vol. 27; Part B3, pp. 453-468, Shiraz
University, Iran, 2003.
Pourtakdoust Sedi H., Jalali M.
A., “Thrust-Limited Optimal Three-Dimensional Spacecraft
International Journal of Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 1,
pp. 81-90, February 2001.
Pourtakdoust Seid H., Fazelzadeh S. A., “Automatic Landing Guidance systems and Design
of An Optimal Landing Control System”,
Esteghlal, No. 1, Vol. 18, pp.
113-125, September 1999. (In Persian)
Jalali M. A., Pourtakdoust
Seid H., “Regular and Chaotic Solution of the Sitnikov Problem
Near the 3/2 Commensurability ”
Journal of Celestial Mechanics and
Dynamical Astronomy, Vol. 68, pp. 151-162,
Springer, 1997.
Jalali M. A., Mehri B.,
Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Investigation of Periodic Orbits in
Elliptical Galaxies Using the Method of Implicit Functions,”
Journal of Celestial Mechanics and
Dynamical Astronomy, Vol. 63, pp. 271-287, Springer,
Pourtakdoust Seid H.,
“Scientific Flow-Field Simulation of Cruciform Missiles Through
the Thin-Layer Navier-Stokes Equations,”
Journal of Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1994.
Conference Proceedings
Zareh H, Bighashdel
A., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Analytical Solution for Structural
dynamics of an Elastic Flapping wings ”, Proceedings of the
Fifteenth Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, March 2016,
Tehran, Iran. -
Bighashdel A., Zareh H,
Pourtakdoust Seid H.,, “ Development of a Generalized
Aerodynamic Model for Flapping Wings”, Proceedings of the
Fifteenth Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, March 2016,
Tehran, Iran.(in Persian) -
M., Pourtakdoust Seid H.,
Six DOF modeling of Elastic Flapping Vehicles using Unsteady
Aerodynamics ”, Proceedings of the
Fourteenth Iranian Aerospace Society
March 2015, Tehran, Iran. (in Persian).
Fadaee A., Pourtakdoust Seid H.,
“ Optimal Spacecraft
Rendezvous on Halo Orbits of the Three Body Problem ”, Proceedings of the
Fourteenth Iranian Aerospace Society
March 2015, Tehran, Iran. (in Persian).
Kiani M.,
Seid. H. ,“Real Time Calibration of Strap down
Three-Axis-Magnetometer for Attitude Estimation ” 1St Navigation
Conference, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran-Iran, Feb.,
2015.(in Persian)
Sheikhi A.
Seid. H.,
Kiani M.
Eperimental Identification and Calibration of MEMS” 1St
Navigation Conference, Sharif University of Technology,
Tehran-Iran, Feb., 2015.(in Persian)
Kiani M., Pourtakdoust
Seid H. ,“Adaptive
Diversity Guided Modified Unscented Particle Filter for
Autonomous Orbit Determination” 65th International Astronautical Congress
,Toronto Convention Center ,Canada, 2014.
Kiani M.,
Pourtakdoust Seid H. ,“Orbit
Determination via Adaptive Gaussian Swarm Optimization
” Accepted for
presentation at AEROTECH V Conference , UPM, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, 2014.
Sheikji A.
A., Pourtakdoust S. H., Kiani M., “
Experimental Identification of MEMS Stochastic Errors”,Proceedings of the
Thirteenth Iranian Aerospace Society
March 2014, Tehran, Iran. (in Persian)
S., Pourtakdoust S. H.,
“Application of FLI
in the Relativistic Three Body Model
”,Proceedings of the Twelfth Iranian Aerospace Society
Conference, February 2013, Tehran, Iran.
(in Persian)
Kiani M.,
S. H. Pourtakdoust ,“ Spacecraft
Attitude and System Identification using Marginal Reduced UKF
utilizing the Sun and Calibrated TAM Sensors” AEROTECH IV Conference , UPM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
November 2012.
Karimi J.,
Pourtakdoust S.H., “Maneuver Based Motion Planning of a UAV
Using Particle Swarm Optimization ”, Proceedings
of the 20th Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference ISME ,
2010, Shiraz , Iran. (in Persian)
Kiani M.,
S. H. Pourtakdoust, “Application of Nonlinear Filters for
Attitude Estimation using the Magnetic and Sun Sensors
”,Proceedings of the Eleventh Iranian Aerospace Society
Conference, February 2012, Tehran, Iran. (in Persian)
R. Kamyar
,S. H. Pourtakdoust, Moradi R., “Multi-objective Spacecraft
Rendezvous and Docking Using Gauss Pseduspectral and
Particle Swarm Optimization ”, Proceedings of the Ankara
International Aerospace Conference , 14-16 September 2011 -
METU, Ankara Turkey.
Moradi R.,
S. H. Pourtakdoust, Kamyar R., “Optimal Coupled Spacecraft
Rendezvous and Docking”, ASME 10th biennial Conference on
Engineering systems design and Analysis (ESDA 2010), Istanbul,
Turkey, July 12-14, 2010.
Pourtakdoust S.H., Zarezadeh A., “Integrated Impulsive Maneuver
and Propulsion System Design for Orbital Transfer”, Proceedings
of the Ninth Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, February
2010, Tehran, Iran. (in Persian)
A., Pourtakdoust S. H., “Modeling and Analysis of Full
Perturbation Effects on Satellite Dynamic”, Proceedings of the
Ninth Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, February 2010,
Tehran, Iran. (in Persian)
Karimi J.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “Optimal UAV Maneuvers Using Constrained
Heuristic Algorithms”, Proceedings of the Ninth Iranian
Aerospace Society Conference, February 2010, Tehran, Iran. (in
H., Pourtakdoust S. H., Abolghasemi M. “ System Engineering of
OMID National Satellite”, Proceedings of the Ninth Iranian
Aerospace Society Conference, February 2010, Tehran, Iran. (in
Pourtakdoust S. H., Kinai M., “Analysis of Optimal Trajectory
Planning for Flight through Microburst Wind Shears”,
AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, Hyatt
Regency McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois, August 10-13, 2009,
Pourtakdoust S. H., Labibian H., Pazooki F., Novinzadeh A.,
“On-Line In-Flight Determination of Thrust Profile using Neural
Networks", Ankara International Aerospace Conference, METU,
Ankara – Turkey, August 17-19, 2009.
Heydari A., Pourtakdoust S.
H., “Magnetic Attitude Control Using Fuzzy Logic”, 2009 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and
Control, Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 2009.
Hatef Keshvadi M.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “A Comparison of Various Filtering
Techniques for the Orbit Determination Problem”,
2009 IEEE Aerospace Conference, ISBN:
978-1-4244-2622-5 , Big Sky , Montana,
March 2009.
Ghanbarpour Asl H., Jafari
A., Pourtakdoust S. H., “Integrated Attitude Estimation
utilizing Star Sensor and Gyroscopes via Multiplicative
Quaternion Filters”, Proceedings of the Eight Iranian Aerospace
Society Conference, February 2009, Esfahan, Iran.
Ghanbarpour Asl H., Jafari
A., Pourtakdoust S. H., “Increased Star Identification Search
through Catalogue for a Satellite with Star Sensor”, Proceedings
of the Eight Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, February
2009, Esfahan, Iran.
Pourtakdoust S. H., Kinai M.,
“Evaluation of Various Microburst Models for Wind Shear Hazard
Determination”, Proceedings of the Eight Iranian Aerospace
Society Conference, February 2009, Esfahan, Iran
Shahvarpour A., Pourtakdoust
S. H., Gholam Reza Vossoughi, Jung Yong Kim and Mohamad
Parnianpour, “Muscles Force Patterns Prediction and Joint
Reactions Determination During 3D Spine Movements by Means of
Optimal Control Theory”, International conference on Control,
automation and systems ICCAS 2008,October 2008, Seoul,
Pourtakdoust S. H., Mortazavi
S. H., “Aircraft Performance Optimization Using Fish-Like
Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibit , Hawaii,
August 18-21, 2008, AIAA-2008-6879.
Heydari A., Pourtakdoust S.
H., “Closed Loop Near Time Optimal Magnetic Attitude Control
Using Dynamic Weighted Neural Network”, 16th Mediterranean
Conference on Control and Automation, June 2008, Ajaccio, France
, 978-1-4244-2505-1/08 , IEEE .
Heydari A., Pourtakdoust S.
H., “Time Optimal Magnetic Attitude Control Using a Variational
Approach”, Proceedings of the Seventh Iranian Aerospace Society
Conference, February 2008, Tehran, Iran.
Asmari M., Pourtakdoust S.
H., “Investigation of injection errors on the mission and life
analysis of a satellite”, Proceedings of the Seventh Iranian
Aerospace Society Conference, February 2008, Tehran, Iran.
Jalali-Naini S. H.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “A Simplified Midcourse Guidance Law for Air
Interceptors ”, Proceedings of the Seventh Iranian Aerospace
Society Conference, February 2008, Tehran, Iran.
Pourtakdoust S. H., Keshavadi
M. H., “Orbital Determination Using Radar Ranging Techniques”,
Proceedings of the Seventh Iranian Aerospace Society Conference,
February 2008, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
Ghanbarpour Asl H.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “UD Covariance Factorization for Unscented
Kalman Filter using Sequential Measurements Update ”,
Proceedings of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and
Technology ,Vol. 25, November 2007, ISSN: 1307-6884, Italy.
Pourtakdoust S. H., Karimi
J., “Longitudinal UAV Non-Linear Controller Design for Two
Dimensional Terrain Following Mission”, Proceedings of the 15th
Annual International Mechanical Engineering Conference of ISME ,
15-17 May 2007, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
Pourtakdoust S. H., Sakhai
A., “Model Predictive Fault Tolerant Autopilot design for a
Typical Transport Aircraft”, Proceedings of the 15th Annual
International Mechanical Engineering Conference of ISME, 15-17
May 2007, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
Jalali-Naini S. H.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “A Unified Approach to Intercept Guidance
Laws”, Proceedings of the Sixth Iranian Aerospace Society
Conference, February 2007, Tehran, Iran.
Fakhri-Noshabadi M.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “Optimal Closed Loop Trajectory Design using
Neural Network”, Proceedings of the Sixth Iranian Aerospace
Society Conference, February 2007, Tehran, Iran.
Ghanbarpur-Asl H.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “A New Kalman Filter for Nonlinear Systems
with Non-Gaussian Noise”, Proceedings of the Sixth Iranian
Aerospace Society Conference, February 2007, Tehran, Iran. (In
Nobahari H., Pourtakdoust S.
H., Nikoosokhan M., “ Two Phase Line of Sight Guidance”,
Proceedings of the Sixth Iranian Aerospace Society Conference,
February 2007, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
Pourtakdoust S. H., Karimi
J., Shajiee s., “Design of a Tracking Control System for an
optimal Post-Stall Maneuver Using Dynamic Inversion Approach”,
Proceedings of the 25th ICAS Congress, September 3-8, 2006,
Hamburg, Germany.
Nobahari H., Nabavi S. Y.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Unguided
Projectiles Using Ant Colony Optimization and Genetic
Algorithm”, Proceedings of the 25th ICAS Congress,
September 3-8, 2006, Hamburg, Germany.
Mortazavi S. H., Pourtakdoust S. H., “ Analysis of Natural
Phenomena Enhancing Performance ”, Proceedings of the
International Conference on Nonlinear Problems in Aviation and
Aerospace, ICNPAA-2006, June 21-23, Budapest , Hungary.
Pourtakdoust S. H.,
Novinzadeh A. B., “A Perturbation Approach in Determination of
Closed-Loop Optimal-Fuzzy Control Policy for Lunar Lander”, 19th
International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, June 4-11,
2006, Kanazawa, Japan.
Pourtakdoust S. H., Mortazavi
S. H., “Periodic Performance Optimization of an aircraft
in Cruise Phase”, 14th annual conference on Mechanical
Engineering ISME, May 16-18 2006, Isfahan, Iran. (In Persian)
Pourtakdoust S.H., Shajiee
s., “Development of an Optimal Software-Pilot Rating Scale for
Flight in Turbulence Evaluation”,
Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibit , San
Francisco, California, August 15-18, 2005, AIAA-2005-5910.
Jalai-Naini S. H.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “Modern Midcourse Guidance Laws in the
AIAA Guidance, Navigation and
Control Conference and Exhibit , San Francisco, California,
August 15-18, 2005, AIAA-2005-6156.
Nobahari H., Alasty A.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “Design of a Supervisory Controller for CLOS
Guidance with Lead Angle”,
Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit , San
Francisco, California, August 15-18, 2005, AIAA-2005-6291.
Pourtakdoust S. H., Karimi
J., “Optimal Maneuvers in close air Combat ”, 13th annual
conference on Mechanical Engineering ISME 2005 conference,
Isfahan, Iran , May 17-19 2005.
Nobahari H., Pourtakdoust S. H, “Optimization of Fuzzy Rule
Bases Using Continuous Ant System”, First International
Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization,
U.A.E, February 1-3, 2005.
Jalali-Naini S. H.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “Optimal Midcourse Guidance Law with
Acceleration Limit”, The Second International and the Fifth
National Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Feb. 2004.
Jalali-Naini S. H.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “Modern Guidance Laws Based on Minimum Fuel
Consumption”, The Second International and the Fifth National
Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Feb. 2004.
Ghanbarpour asl H.,
Fazelzadeh S. A., Pourtakdoust S. H., “Smart Cantilevered
Supersonic Panel with LQG Control under Random Gust Excitation”,
The Second International and the Fifth National Conference of
Iranian Aerospace Society, Feb. 2004.
Rahmani A., Jalali M. A., Pourtakdoust S. H., “An Optimal
Approach to Halo Orbit Control”,
AIAA Guidance, Navigation and
Control Conference and Exhibition, Austin, Texas, August 11-14,
2003, AIAA-2003-5748.
Pourtakdoust S. H., Alemi
Naeini, A. R., “On the Random Error Models of the Measuring
Systems”, The 2nd Scientific and Applied Conference of Aerospace
Industries, Tehran, Iran, February 2004. (In Persian)
Fazelzadeh S. A.,
Pourtakdoust, S. H., “Higher Order Aerothermoelastic loading
Model for Hypersonic Skin Panel”, Proceedings of the Second
M.I.T Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics,
M.I.T, Massachusetts, USA June 17-20, 2003.
Fazelzadeh S. A.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “Effect of Structural Damping on Bifurcation
Behavior of Aerothermo-Viscoelastic Panel”, Proceedings of the
5th International Congress on Thermal Stresses and Related
Topics, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, June 8-11, 2003.
Fazelzadeh S.A., Pourtakdoust
S. H., Assadian N., “Stochastic Analysis of Nonlinear
Viscoelastic Panels Under Random Excitation”, 44th
/ASCE/AHS Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material
Conference, Norfolk, Virginia, April 7-10, 2003, AIAA-2003-1859.
Pourtakdoust S. H., Jalali M.
A., Ghorbani R., “Optimal Control of Spacecraft Trajectories
Using Direct Solution of Neural Network Controllers”, 4th
International Conference of Iran Aerospace Society, Tehran,
Iran, January 2003.
Pourtakdoust S. H., Sabri F.,
“Aeroelastic Simulation of Ultra-Light Airplanes with High
Aspect Ratio Wings”, 4th International Conference of Iran
Aerospace Society, Tehran, Iran, January 2003. (In Persian)
Johari Majd, V., Pourtakdoust S. H., Alizadeh M. H., “Design of
an Adaptive Fuzzy Longitudinal Controller”, 4th International
Conference of Iran Aerospace Society, Tehran, Iran, January
2003. (In Persian)
Pourtakdoust S. H., Jalali M.
A., Sadeghi Givi Z., “Optimal Orbital Maneuvers in the Three
Body Problem using Step by Step Linearization”, 4th
International Conference of Iran Aerospace Society, Tehran,
Iran, January 2003. (In Persian)
Pourtakdoust S. H., Jalai, M.
A., Ghorbani, R., Zahedi, A., “Optimal Control of Nonlinear
Dynamical Systems Using Direct Solution of Neural Network
AIAA Guidance, Navigation and
Control Conference and Exhibition, August 6-8, 2002, Monterey,
California, AIAA- 2002-4663.
Pourtakdoust S. H.,
Fazelzadeh S.A., “Dynamical Analysis of Nonlinear Viscoelastic
Panel in Supersonic Flow”, 10th International Annual Mechanical
Engineering Conference of ISME, June, 2002, Tehran, Iran. (In
Pourtakdoust S. H., Alemi
Naeini A. R., “Analysis of the Effect of Random Gust Modeling
Using Spectral Method and Shaping Filters”, 10th International
Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference of ISME, June 2002,
Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
Pourtakdoust S. H.,
Ghanbarpour H., “Adaptive Control of Dynamically Unknown Systems
Based on Neural Network and Extended Kalman Filter”, 10th
International Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference of ISME,
June 2002, Tehran, Iran.
Pourtakdoust S. H.,
Fazelzadeh S. A., “Chaotic Analysis of a Non-linear Panel
Flutter under Support Stiffness Condition”, 1st Conference of
Chaotic Dynamical Systems, Aerospace Research Institute,
February 2002, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
Gholami H., Pourtakdoust S. H., “Design of an Optimal Approach
Control System for Aircrafts Landing on Moving Aircraft
Careers”, First International and Third Biennial Conference of
the Iranian Aerospace Society (AERO 2000), Tehran- Iran,
December 30th, 2000. (In Persian)
Tahmasbi N., Pourtakdoust S. H., Fazelzadeh S. A.,
“Investigation of the Effect of Axial Load on the Aeroelastic
Behavior of Wings”, First International and Third Biennial
Conference of the Iranian Aerospace Society (AERO 2000), Tehran-
Iran, December 30th, 2000. (In Persian)
Pourtakdoust S. H.,
Novinzadeh A. B., Mehri B., “An Investigation of Satellite
Oscillations in an Arbitrary Orbit using Perturbation Theory and
the WKB Method”, 4th International Conference of Iranian Society
of Mechanical Engineering (ISME), Tehran, Iran, May 16-19, 2000.
Pourtakdoust S. H.,
Fazelzadeh S.A., “Application of Finite Element Methods in the
Solution of Optimal Control Problems”, 8th Annual Conference of
Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering (ISME), Tehran, Iran,
June 2000. (In Persian)
Esfahanian V., Pourtakdoust
S. H., Novinzadeh A. R., “Evaluation of Rocket Flights
Sensitivity to Aerodynamic Coefficients and Determination of
Admissible Error Criteria”, 2nd Aerospace Engineering
Conference, Isfahan, Iran, October 12-14, 1998. (In Persian)
Pourtakdoust S. H., Asadi M.,
“Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Wing Divergence”, 2nd
Aerospace Engineering Conference, Isfahan, Iran, October 12-14,
1998. (In Persian)
Pourtakdoust S. H., Jalali,
M. A., Saberian, J.R., “Determination of Optimal Spacecraft
Trajectories Using a Step-by-Step Linearization Method”,
AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting,
February 10-12, 1997, Huntsville, Alabama.
Pourtakdoust S. H.,
Fazelzadeh S. A., “Development of an Optimal Approach Control
System”, 4th Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference of ISME,
May 14-17, 1996, Shiraz, Iran.
Pourtakdoust S. H., Jalali,
M. R., “Optimal Gravity-Assisted Spacecraft Trajectories for
Out-Of-Ecliptic Interplanetary Missions”,
AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting,
February 12-15, 1996, Austin, Texas.
Pourtakdoust S. H., Jalali M.
R., “Thrust-Limited Optimal Three-Dimensional Spacecraft
Trajectories”, AIAA Conference, August 7-9, 1995, Baltimore-MD.
Fazelzadeh S. A.,
Pourtakdoust S. H., “Design of an Automatic Flare Control
System”, 3rd Annual ISME Conference, Tehran, Iran, May 1995. (In
Pourtakdoust S. H., Jalali,
M. A., “Optimal Three-Dimensional Orbital Transfer Using Direct
Optimization Methods”, ASME Proceeding, Vol. 6, Engineering
System Design and Analysis, London, UK. July 4-7, 1994.
Jalali M. A., Pourtakdoust S. H., “Optimal Orbital Maneuvers
Using Steepest Descent”, 2nd Annual ISME Conference, Tehran,
Iran, May 2-5, 1994. (In Persian)
Pourtakdoust S. H.,
Fazelzadeh S. A., “Design of An Optimal Regulator for the
Approach Stage”, 2nd Annual ISME Conference, Tehran, Iran, May
2-5, 1994. (In Persian)
Pourtakdoust S. H.,
“Application of the Thin-Layer Navier-Stokes Equations for
Missile Aerodynamics”, Proceeding of the First International
Conference on Engineering Applications of Mechanics, Sharif
University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, June 9-12, 1992.
Pourtakdoust S. H., Lan C.
E., “Thin-Layer Navier-Stokes Calculations of Supersonic Vortex
Interaction on Missile Configurations”,
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