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Dr. Seid H. Pourtakdoust


Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering,
University of Kansas, USA, 1989.

MSc in Aerospace Engineering,
University of Kansas, USA, 1984.

BSc in Aerospace Engineering,
University of Kansas, USA, 1982.

BSc in Civil Engineering,
University of Kansas ,USA, 1982.

Last updated: Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

Research Interests and Activities


  Stochastic Optimal Control

  Spacecraft Trajectory Design and Optimization

  Aerospace Flight Dynamics

  Statistical Analysis/Simulation of Dynamic Systems

  Aeroelastic Simulation of Air Vehicles

  Reliability Based Design and Optimization


Journal Papers

1. Mohajeri E., Pourtakdoust Seid H., Pazooki F., “Model Based Microburst Identification using a Hybridized Extended Kalman Filter with Genetic Algorithm”, Proceedings of the IMechE, Part G- Journal of Aerospace Engineering , Sage Publishing, August 2022,

2. Nasihati Gourabi F., Kiani M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Satellite Pose Estimation Using Earth Radiation Modeled by Artificial Neural Networks”, Accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research, Elsevier, July 2022,

3. Pourtakdoust Seid H., Khodabakhsh Amir H., “A deep learning approach for the solution of probability density evolution of stochastic systems”, Structural Safety, Vol. 99,June 2022, Elsevier,

4. Pourtakdoust Seid H., Zare H., Bighashdel A., “A Modified Unsteady-Nonlinear Aeroelastic Model for Flapping Wings”, Proceedings of the IMechE, Part G- Journal of Aerospace Engineering , Sage Publishing, June 2022,

5. Pourtakdoust Seid H., Fakhari Mehrjardi, Hajkarim M. H.,“Attitude Estimation and Control Based on Modified Unscented Kalman Filter for Gyro-less Satellite with Faulty Sensors”, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 191, pp. 134-147, Elsevier, Feb. 2022.

6. Nasihati Gourabi F., Kiani M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., Labibian A., “Simultaneous Orbit, Attitude and Albedo Parameter Estimation Using Satellite Surface Temperature Data”, Sharif Journal of Mechanical Engineering,, ISSN 2676-4725, July 2021.

7. Nasihati Gourabi F., Kiani M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “On-Line Orbit and Albedo Estimation Using a Strong Tracking Algorithm via Satellite Surface Temperature Data”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol 57, Issue: 3, pp. 1443-1454, June 2021.

8. Afshari S. S., Pourtakdoust Seid H., B. J. Crawford, R. Seethaler, A. S. Milani, “Time-Varying Structural Reliability Assessment Method: Application to Fiber Reinforced Composites under Repeated Impact Loading”, Journal of Composite Structures, Vol. 261, Elsevier, April 2021.

9. N. Raouf, A. Davar, Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Reliability analysis of composite anisogrid lattice interstage structure”, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, September 16th 2020, Taylor & Francis.

10. Heydari G., Kiani M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., Sayanjali M., “Optimal Transfer Trajectory Design from LEO to The Earth-Moon Halo Orbit via Homotopy Approach”, Journal of Space Science and Technology, ISSN 2008-4560, ,Vol. 13, issue 3, No. 44, pp. 25-38, Autumn 2020, (in Persian).

11. Amani S., Pourtakdoust Seid H., Pazooki F., “Wind-Tolerant Optimal Closed Loop Controller Design for a Domestic Atmospheric Research Airship”, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Vol. 50, No.6 , pp. 2046-2066, May 2020,, Taylor & Francis.

12. Shakouri A., Pourtakdoust Seid H., Sayanjali M., “Multiple-Impulse Orbital Maneuver with Limited Observation Window”, journal of Advances in Space Research, Elsevier, May 6th, 2020.

13. Moghanipour M., Kiani M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., Labibian A., “The Effect of Satellite Surface Conduction on Attitude Estimation using Temperature Sensors”, Journal of Space Science and Technology, ISSN 2008-4560, , September 2019, (in Persian).

14. Abdollahi M. R., Banazadeh A., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Experimental Investigation of Vertical CG Position Changes on Quadrotor’s Performance via Frequency-Domain Identification Techniques”, Sharif Journal, ISSN 1028-7167,, July 2019, (in Persian).

15. Shakouri A., Kiani M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “A New Shape -Based Multiple-Impulse Strategy for Coplanar Orbital Maneuvers”, Acta Astronautica, Volume 161, pp. 200-208, Elsevier, 11th, May 2019.

16. Nasihati Gourabi F., Kiani M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Autonomous temperature-based orbit estimation”, Aerospace Science and Technology, No. 86, pp. 671-682,, Elsevier, January 2019.

17. Shakouri A., Kiani M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Covariance-Based Multiple-Impulse Rendezvous Design”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, DOI 10.1109/TAES.2018.2882939, Vol. 55, issue 5, pp. 2128 - 2137, IEEE, November 2018.

18. Raouf N., Pourtakdoust Seid H., S. Samiei Paghaleh, “Reliability and Failure analysis of jet vane TVC system”, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, Volume 18, Issue 6,pp. 1635-1642,Springer, October 2018.

19. Labibian A., Pourtakdoust Seid H., A. Alikhani, H. Fourati, “Development of a Radiation Based Heat Model for Satellite Attitude Determination”, Aerospace Science and Technology, No. 82-83, pp. 479-486,, Elsevier, September 27th , 2018.

20. Zare H., Bighashdel A., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Analytical Structural Behavior Of Elastic Flapping Wings Under The Actuator Effect”, The Aeronautical Journal ,Vol. 122, Issue 1254, pp. 1176-1198, Royal Aeronautical Society, U.K , August 2018.

21. Afshari S. S. , Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Probability Density Evolution For Time-Varying Reliability Assessment Of Wing Structures”, Aviation Journal, ISSN: 1648-7788 /, Volume 22, Issue 2, pp. 52-61,, May 2018.

22. Kiani M. Shakouri A. ; Pourtakdoust Seid H. , Sayanjali M. , “Optimal Multiple-Impulse Orbit Transfer Utilizing Pseudo-Newton Method”, Journal of Space Science and Technology, ISSN 2008-4560, ,Spring 2018, (in Persian).

23. Afshari S. S. , Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Utility of Probability Density Evolution Method for Experimental Reliability Based Active Vibration Control”, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, DOI: 10.1002/stc.2199, Wiley, April 2018.

24. Bighashdel A., Zare H., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “An Analytical Approach in Dynamic Calibration of Strain Gauge Balances for Aerodynamic Measurements”, IEEE Sensors Journal, DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2018.2815762, March 2018.

25. Kiani M., Barzegar I., Pourtakdoust Seid H , “Entropy-based Adaptive Attitude Estimation ”, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 144, pp. 271-282, Elsevier, February 2018.

26. Labibian A., Alikhani A., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Performance of A Novel Heat Based Model for Spacecraft Attitude Estimation”, Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 70, Elsevier, pp. 317-327 August 17, 2017.

27. Raouf N., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Time Varying Structural Reliability of Launch Vehicle via Extreme Response Approach”, AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets,Vol.54 , issue 1, pp 306-314,February 2017.

28. Zandavi Seid M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Multidisciplinary design of a guided flying vehicle using simplex nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Springer, August, 14 2017, DOI 10.1007/s00158-017-1776-3.

29. Hassanpour A., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Three Dimensional Model Predictive Controller Design for Approach to landing with Microburst Encounter”, Proceedings of the IMechE, Part G- Journal of Aerospace Engineering ,Vol. 232(11), pp. 2034-2047, Sage Publishing, April 2017. DOI: 1 0.1177/0954410017707545.

30. Sharifi M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., Parnianpour M., “Optimal Control of Human-like Musculoskeletal Arm: Prediction of Trajectory and Muscle Forces”, Optimal Control Applications & Methods, Volume 38, Issue 2, March 2017.

Book Chapters

1. Novel Concepts in Unmanned Aircraft Aerodynamics, Flight Stability, and Control. John Wiley & Sons Inc, December 2016.ISBN-10: 1118928687, ISBN-13: 978-1118928684;Chapter 17: Constrained Motion Planning and Trajectory Optimization for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ; Chapter 18: Autonomous Space Navigation Utilizing Nonlinear Filters with MEMS Technology.

2. Recent Advances in Multisensor Attitude Estimation: Fundamental Concepts and Applications. CRC Press- Taylor and Francis Group, August 2016. ISBN 9781498745710; Chapter 11: Recent Advances in Nonlinear Attitude Estimation Algorithms.

Conference Papers

1. Mohammadizadeh Zanianpour K., Pourtakdoust Seid H., Khodabaksh A., “Design and construction of an aeroelastic wing load alleviation control system using smart material”, Proceedings of the Twentieth Iranian Aerospace Society Conference AERO 2022,, June 8-9th, 2022, Article No: 01950403, Tehran, Iran (in Persian).

2. Khodabaksh A., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Modeling of nonlinear dynamics using physics-informed deep recursive neural networks”, Proceedings of the nineteenth Iranian Aerospace Society Conference AERO 2021,, May 18-20th, 2021, Article No: 00920026, Tehran, Iran (in Persian).

3. Pourtakdoust Seid H., Khodabaksh A., “Vibration Control of an Aeroelastic Wing using Smart Materials via Changing the Equivalent Structural Stiffness”, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, February 4-6th ,2020, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (in Persian).

4. Mesmarian M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., Mousavi S. M, “Experimental Investigation of the Role of Tail on Longitudinal Aerodynamic model of a Flapping wing”, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, February 4-6th ,2020, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (in Persian).

5. Nasihati Gourabi F., Kiani M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Assessment of Earth Albedo Effect on Temperature-based Orbit Estimation”, 27th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers-ISME2019, 30 April- 2 May, 2019, Tehran, Iran.

6. Raeissi A.,Bighashdel A., Zareh H, Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Numerical investigation and modeling of a plunging wing wake using artificial neural network”, Proceedings of the Seventeen Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, June 20th, 2019, IAU SRB, Tehran, Iran.(in Persian)

7. Babaoghli F., Bighashdel A., Zareh H, Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Six DOF modern controller design for a flapping air vehicle using unsteady aerodynamics”, Proceedings of the Seventeen Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, June 20th, 2019, IAU SRB, Tehran, Iran.(in Persian)

8. Mohajeri E., Pourtakdoust Seid H., Pazooki F., “Microburst Wind Shear Model Parameter Estimation Via Flight Data”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, May 11 2017, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

9. Afshari S. S., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Reliability based optimization of an active vibration controller using evolutionary algorithms”, Proceedings of the Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems conference, Portland Oregon US, March 2017. doi:10.1117/12.2260031.


1. Pourtakdoust Seid H., Abdollahi M., Mehrabani M., "Design and Construction of a 5DoF Table Top Platform for Aircraft Dynamic Identification", Patent No. 103571, Intellectual Property Center, Tehran-Iran, January 2021.

2. Pourtakdoust Seid H., Labibian A., et al., "Implementation of Satellite Attitude Determination Process via Nonlinear Filtering of Temperature Data", Patent No. 90141, Intellectual Property Center , IR-Iran, October 2016.

3. Pourtakdoust Seid H.,Bighashde A., et al., "3 DOF Dynamic Balance system for Flapping Robots", registered with Intellectual Property Center , IR-Iran, July 2017.

Courses Taught


  Introduction to Aerospace Engineering

  Automatic Control

  Flight Stability/Dynamics & Control

  Aerospace Systems Design

  Orbital Mechanics

  Inertial Measuring Systems (Lab)

  Experimental Aerodynamics (Lab)


  Advanced Flight Dynamics


  Optimal Control Theory

  Digital Control Systems

  Stochastic Optimal Control

  Modern Control Theory

  Spacecraft Dynamics and Control

  Flight Test Engineering

Academic Experiences


  Director, Center for Research and Development in Space Science and Technology, Sharif university of Technology, 2012-2020.

  Member of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Work Group, Ministry of science and Technology (MROST) , 2015-Present.

  Vice Chairman of Flight Dynamics Division,Department of Aerospace Engineering ,Sharif university of Technology, 2015-2020.

  Chairman, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Sharif university of Technology, 2011-2015.

  Member of Faculty Promotion Committees at : Sharif university of Technology, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Aerospace Research Center and Center for Earthquake Research.

  Scientific Reviewer and/or Editor for:

  The Aeronautical Journal

  ImechE Part G , Journal of Aerospace Engineering

  Advances in Space Research

  Journal of Measurement

  AIAA Journals

  Asian Journal of Control

  IEEE Journals

  Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology

  International Journal of Aerospace Engineering (Editor), Hindawi

  Journal of Aeronautical Engineering (Editorial Board Member), 2005-Present

Honors and Awards


  Recipient of the Exemplary Researcher Award, Department of Aerospace Engineering,Sharif University of Technology, 2015.

  ISAE (Iranian Society of Aerospace Engineering) Award for Supervising the Best PhD Dissertation in 2014-15 academic year.

  ISAE (Iranian Society of Aerospace Engineering) Award for Supervising the Best PhD Dissertation in 2011-12 academic year.

  ISAE (Iranian Society of Aerospace Engineering) Award for Supervising the Best PhD Dissertation in 2008-09 academic year.

  Distinguished Professor of the Year Award, The Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1999.

  ISME (Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering) Award for Supervising the Best PhD Dissertation in 1998-99 academic year.

  Listed in: JANEs All the Worlds Aircraft Handbook, 1997, JANEs Information Group, UK.

  Recipient of the Exemplary Lecturer Award, Air University of Tehran, 1993.

  Holder of FAA Private Pilot License (PPL).

Supervised Students

Ph.D. Students

  Prof. Mir Abbas Jalali, Urban Air Mobility Flight Operations Research Lead, California, USA.

  Prof. S. Ahmad Fazelzadeh Haghighi, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz-Iran.

  Associate Prof. A. Basohbat Novinzadeh , Department of Aerospace Engineering, Khajeh Nasir Toosi University, Tehran-Iran.

  Associate Prof. S. Hamid Jalali Naini, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tarbiat modares University, Tehran-Iran.

  Assistant Prof. H. Ghanbarpour Asl, Department of Mechatronics, University of Turkish Aeronautical Association, Ankara-Turkey.

  Associate Prof. Hadi Nobahari, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran-Iran.

  Associate Prof. Nima Assadian, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran-Iran.

  Assistant Prof. Saeed Karimian Aliabadi , School of Mechanical Engineering, Tarbiat modares University, Tehran-Iran.

  Assistant prof. Jalal Karimi, Malek Ashtar University, Tehran-Iran.

  Dr. M. Sayanjali, Iran Space Organization, Tehran-Iran.

  Dr. N. Raouf, Aerospace Research Institute, Tehran-Iran.

  Assistant Prof. M. Kiani, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran-Iran.

  Research Scientist, Dr. A. Labibian, Iran Space Organization, Tehran-Iran.

  Assistant Professor, Dr. F. Pazoki, Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran-Iran.

  Dr. A. Hassanpour, Airports and Navigation Company, Tehran-Iran.

  Dr. H. Zare, Center for research and Development in Space Science and Technology, and lecturer at Sharif university of Technology.

  Dr. S. Saraygord Afshari, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba, Canada.

  Dr. F. Nasihati, Center for research and Development in Space Science and Technology, Sharif university of Technology.



Phone: +982166168163

Fax: (+98) 21 6602 2731

Email: pourtak


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Researcher ID:

Scopus: 55953294600


Sharif University of Technlogy
Department of Aerospace Engineering
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