| Conference Papers 1. A. Mardani and M. Faryamanesh, Numerical Study Of Insulation Role In Buildings, First Conference on Insulation Role In Building and Industries, Tehran, Feb. 2002(In Persian) 2. A. Mardani, S. S. Raiszadeh and M. Soltani, Design And Comparison Of Solar Collectors, Second Conference on Fuel Consumption Saving iIn Buildings, Tehran, Mar.2003(In Persian) 3. A. Mardani and M. Faryamanesh, Design Of Optimization Software For Building Insulating, Second Conference on Fuel Consumption Saving in Buildings, Tehran, Mar. 2003(In Persian) 4. A. Mardani and S. S. Raiszadeh, New Technologies In Solar Water Heater Designing, Third International Conference on Fuel Consumption Optimization in Buildings, Tehran, Feb. 2004(In Persian) 5. A. Mardani and S. Tabejamaat, Experimental Study Of Effect Of Reynolds And Dilution On Natural Gas Diffusion Flame, First Iranian Combustion Conference, Tehran, Feb. 2006(In Persian) 6. A. Mardani, S. Tabejamaat, Experimental Study Of Effect Of Oxygen Enrichment And Dilution And Preheating On Natural Gas Diffusion Flame, First Iranian Combustion Conference, Tehran, Feb. 2006(In Persian) 7. A. Mardani, S. Tabejamaat, Experimental Study On The Effects Of Dilution And Preheating On Natural Gas Diffusion Flame, International Conference On Energy And Environment 2006 (Icee 2006), Malaysia 8. A. Mardani, S. Tabejamaat and A. A. Rezaei, Experimental And Numerical Study On The Effect Of Dilution And Preheating On Co-Flow Natural Gas Diffusion Flame, 6th Asia-Pacific Conference On Combustion, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan, 20-23 May 2007 9. M.R.Baig Mohammadi, S. Tabejamaa and A. Mardani, Numerical Study on the effect of Fuel Injection on Pollution in High Temperature Air Combustion, 6th Asia-Pacific Conference On Combustion, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan, 20-23 May 2007 10. A. Mardani, S. Tabejamaat, Experimental Study Of Effect Of Both Dilution And Preheating On Natural Gas Diffusion Flame, ISME2007, Tehran, May. 2007(In Persian) 11. M. B. Mohammadi, S. Tabejamaat and A. Mardani, Numerical Study On The Effect Of Inlet Air Momentum On Natural Gas Combustion And Emission Under HiTAC Condition, ISME2007, Tehran, May. 2007(In Persian) 12. M .Ghamari, S.Tabejamaat and A. Mardani, Numerical Study On Low And High Temperature Air Combustion Using Different Chemical Mechanism, Monastir ,Tunisia, Sep.9-13 2007 13. Y. Afarin, S. Tabejamaat and A. Mardani, Study On Dilution Effect Of N2 And Co2 On Extinction Of Counter Flow Flame, Monastir ,Tunisia, September 9-13 2007 14. B. Kashir, A. Mardani and S. Tabejamaat, Experimental Study On The Effect Of Fuel Injection Velocity And Dilution On Propane And Natural Gas Diffusion Flame, Second Iranian Combustion Conference, Tehran, Feb. 2007(In Persian) 15. B. Kashir, A. Mardani and S. Tabejamaat, Experimental Study On The Effect Of Preheating And Dilution On Propane And Natural Gas Diffusion Flame, Second Iranian Combustion Conference, Tehran, Feb. 2007(In Persian) 16. M.R. Baig Mohammadi, S. Tabejamaat and A. Mardani, Numerical Study On The Spray Combustion In High Temperature Air Combustion, 7th High Temperature Air Combustion And Gasification International Symp. Jan. 2008, Phuket, Thailand 17. M. Ghamari, A. Mardani and S. Tabejamaat, Numerical Study of Natural Gas Diffusion Flame using Detail Kinetic Mechanism, Fluid Dynamics Conference, Amol, Iran, 2009(in Persian) 18. A. Mardani and S. Tabejamaat, 2D And 3D Numerical Study On The Turbulence And Chemical Kinetic Interaction In Mild Combustion Regime, 3th Iranian Fuel And Combustion Conference, Tehran, 2010(in Persian) 19. A. Mardani, S. Tabejamaat, Numerical Modeling Of Mild Combustion, 18th ISME2010, Tehran(In Persian) 20. A. Mardani and S. Tabejamaat, Effects Of Hydrogen Addition On Methane Mild Combustion Regime, Hitac Conference, Poland-Ponzan, 2010 21. A. Mardani and S. Tabejamaat, NOx formation in H2-CH4 blended flame under MILD condition, MCS 7, Chia Laguna, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, September 11-15, 2011 22. Y. Afarin, S. Tabejamaat and A. Mardani, Large Eddy Simulation Study of H2/CH4 Flame Structure at MILD Condition, MCS 7, Chia Laguna, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, September 11-15, 2011 23. A. Mardani, Evaluatting Combining The Oxy-Fuel Combustion and Mild Combustion For Ch4-H2 Fuel , MCS 8, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, September 8-13, 2013 24. M. Ghorbanhoseini, A. Mardani, M.Haji hasanpour, Numerical simulation of detonation wave in a pulse detonation engine for hydrogen fuel, 2th Iranian propulsion conference, Tehran , Iran , October 9-10, 2013(In Persian) 25. M. Yahyavi kouchaksaraie, A. Mardani, K. javadi, Numerical Simulation Of Heat Transfer In A Wire On Methane-Air Premixed Combustion In a Micro Combustor, 3th Gas Turbine Conference, Tehran, Iran, April, 2014(in Persian) 26. M. Yahyavi kouchaksaraie, A. Mardani, K. javadi, Numerical Simulation of Methane-Air Premixed Combustion In a Micro Combustor, 3th Gas Turbine Conference, Tehran, Iran, April, 2014(in Persian) 27. M. Abdollahpour, V. Rezie, A. Mardani, Study on the effect of equivalence ratio for different fuels on reacting flow properties, 5th Iranian fuel and combustion conference, Tehran, 2014(In Persian) 28. A. Mardani, A. Fazlollahi-Ghomshi, Numerical study on the effect of turbulence model on non-reacting flow field in a gas turbine combustor, 14th Iranian Aerospace engineering conference, Tehran, 2015(in Persian). 29. E. B., A. Mardani, H. Zeinivand, Numerical Study on Supercritical Combustion for H2-O2 Jet, FCCI-2016, Mahshad, Iran(in Persian) 30. E. B., A. Mardani, H. Zeinivand, Numerical Study on Supercritical Injection of N2 in a Model Chamber, FCCI-2016, Mahshad, Iran(in Persian) 31. A. Ghasempour, A. Mardani, Numerical Study on Combustion of H2-O2 under Subcritical Condition, FCCI-2016, Mahshad, Iran(in Persian) 32. A. Mardani, A. Fazlollahi Ghomshi, Numerical Investigation of a Double-Swirled Gas Turbine Model Combustor with Different Turbulence/Chemistry Interaction Models, FCCI-2016, Mahshad, Iran(in Persian) 33. F. Chitgarha, F. Ommi, A. Mardani, Numerical Investigation of H2/CH4 combustion under Highly Preheated and Dilution Condition, FCCI-2016, Mahshad, Iran (in Persian) 34. A. Nikzad, A. Mardani, Turbo-Shaft Engine Thrust Boosting Using Different Water INjection Methods, 15th Iranian Aerospace engineering conference, Tehran, 2016(in Persian). 35. A. Mardani, H. Karimi, A. Nazari, effect of hydrogen on h2/ch4 and h2/co turbulent non-premixed flame under mild condition, 36th International Symposium on Combustion, Coex, Seoul, Korea, July 31- August 5, 2016. 36. A. Mardani, F. Chitgarha, F. Ommi, assessment of steady and unsteady flamelet models for mild combustion modeling, 36th International Symposium on Combustion, Coex, Seoul, Korea, July 31- August 5, 2016. 37. H. Karimi, A. Mardani, Numerical Investigation of Turbulent MILD Spray combustion BY EDC and Flamelet Models, AERO2017, Tehran, Iran (2017, in Persian). 38. A. Mardani, H. Karimi, Numerical Investigation of effect of Hydrogen on MILD combustion of H2/CH4 and CO/H2, AERO2017, Tehran, Iran (2017, in Persian). 39. A. Mardani, H. Rezapour Rastaghi, Investigation of the Effects of Inlet Air Flowrate on Flow Field Structure inside a Double Swirl Gas Turbine Model Combustor, FD2017, Sharhroud, Iran (2017, in Persian). 40. A. Mardani, H.Rezapour-Rastaaghi, A.Fazlollahi-Ghomshi, INVESTIGATION OF LPG FLAME STRUCTURE IN DOUBLE SWIRL GAS TURBINE MODEL COMBUSTOR, MCS 10, Naples, Italy, September 17-21, 2017. 41. H. Karimi, A. Mardani, Numerical Investigation of Turbulent MILD Spray combustion, FCCI-2018, Tehran, Iran (2018, in Persian). 42. A. Khanehzar, A. Mardani, Numerical Investigation of Plasma-MILD combustion, FCCI-2018, Tehran, Iran (2018, in Persian). 43. A. Mardani, H.Rezapour-Rastaaghi,B. Asadi, Experimental Investigation on the effect of Air preheating on Sharif Double swirl Gas turbine Model Combustor, SGTMC, FCCI-2018, Tehran, Iran (2018, in Persian). 44. A.Mardani, A. Aghabeigi, Combine Turbulence Models for Swirl Combustor Modeling, Aero2018, Tehran, Iran (2018, in Persian). 45. A. Mardani, B. Asadi, H. Rezapour-Rastag, Three Dimensional Numerical Investigation of Methane Partially Premixed Combustion in a Double Swirl Gas Turbine Combustor, MCS11, Tenerife, Spain, 16-20 June 2019 46. A. Mardani, A. A. Beige, H. Bahonar, Numerical Modelling of Resonance in Plenum Chamber of a Gas Turbine Model Combustor, MCS11, Tenerife, Spain, 16-20 June 2019 47. A. Mardani, H. Bahonar, A. A. Beige, Acoustic Characteristics of a Gas Turbine Model Combustor under flame Attachment Conditions, AERO2020, Tehran, Iran (2020, in Persian). 48. A. Mardani, S. Arazi Kalat, A. Azimi, Experimental investigation of Inlet air swirling effects on kerosene spray flame, FCCI-2022-0082, Shiraz, Iran (2022, in Persian). 49. A. Mardani, S. Arazi Kalat, A. Azimi, Experimental investigation of air preheating and dilution effects on kerosene spray swirl flame, FCCI-2022-0085, Shiraz, Iran (2022, in Persian). 50. Z. Jahromi, A. Mardani, M.M. Salehi, M.M. Talebi, Numerical investigation of exhaust chemical composition of a DBD actuator under different conditions, FCCI-2022-0033, Shiraz, Iran (2022, in Persian). 51. A. Mardani, S. A. Kalat, A. Azimi, Experimental investigation of inlet swirl air 52. preheating and dilution on kerosene flame, 2nd International Workshop on MILD Combustion, Naples 8-9 June 2022. 53. M.lotfollah Oghli, M. Nourifard, A. Mardani, Experimental investigation of the effect of confinement on kerosene spray mild combustion,FCCI-2024-1064, Tehran, Iran. 54. M. Ranjbar, A. Mardani, Experimental investigation of the effect of non-equilibrium plasma on swirl flame, FCCI-2024-1073, Tehran, Iran. 55. M. S. Talebi, A. Mardani, Plasma actuator effect on mixing field of MILD burner, FCCI2024-1108, Tehran, Iran. 56. m. Assadollahi, M. M. Salehi, A. Mardani, Flame temperature measurement by pyrometry technique, FCCI2024-1046, Tehran, Iran. 57. A Mardani, KC Kim, Swirl Effect Assessment on NOx Formation for CH4/H2/NH3 Flame under MILD Condition, XXVI FLUID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, Warszawa, 10-13 September 2024. 58. A. Aghabegi, A. Mardani, KC Kim, Chemical Evaluation of a Gas Turbine Model Combustor under Diluted and Preheated Conditions Using LES, 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (ICNC2024)- ICNC2024-1141. 59. M. Talebi, A. Mardani, KC Kim, Plasma assisted MILD combustion: Induced velocity effects, 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (ICNC2024)- ICNC2024-1335. 60. A. Mardani, H. Kim, KC Kim, Assessment of some species for usage in chemiluminescence investigation of an ammonia/hydrogen flame structure, 2024 Korea Visualization Information Society Spring Conference Hanyang University ERICA Campus | May 2nd - May 3rd. 61. A. Beigie, A. Mardani, KC Kim, Dilution and Preheating Impacts On Flame Structure and Ignition of A Gas Turbine Model Combustor, ICTAM2024, August 25-30, 2024, Daegu, Korea. 62. M. Talebi, A. Mardani, KC Kim, Simulation of Induced Velocity Effects in Plasma Actuator in A Mild Combustion Burner, Ictam2024, August 25-30, 2024, Daegu, Korea. 63. M. Ranjbar, A. Mardani, KC Kim, The Effect of Non-Equilibrium DBD Plasma On Swirling Flame, Ictam2024, August 25-30, 2024, Daegu, Korea. 64. A. Mardani, H. Kim, KC Kim, NOx Formation Assessment for Hydrogen Replacing by Ammonia Under Mild Combustion, Ictam2024, August 25-30, 2024, Daegu, Korea. 65. A. Mardani, H. Kim, KC Kim, S. Oh, Network of Reactors Adaptation to A Model Combustor for Ammonia/Hydrogen Fuel Combustion by Computational Fluid Dynamic Approach, The 2024 Korean Society of Computational Fluid Engineering, 29-30 May 2024, Jeju, Korea. 66. Mardani A, Kim H, Kim KC, Oh S, Ammonia-Hydrogen Gas Turbine Model Combustor Analyses under Dilution and Preheating Condition, 3rd symposium on Ammonia combustion,23-29 September 2024, Shangahi, China. 67. Amir Mardani, Hanyoung Kim, Kyun Chun Kim, Sechol Oh, Experimental investigation of a gas turbine model combustor for Methane/ammonia/hydrogen: stability and emission, 제 68회 KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 초록집(2024년도 추계학술대회). 68. Amir Mardani, Hanyoung Kim, Kyun Chun Kim, Assessment of some species for usage in chemiluminescence investigation of an ammonia/hydrogen flame structure, 2024 한국가시화정보학회 춘계학술대회, 한양대학교 ERICA 캠퍼스 | 5 월 2 일~5 월 3 일. 69. Amir Mardani, Amir A. Beige, Kyung Chun Kim, Comparison of Large Eddy Simulation and Stress Blended Eddy Simulation in modeling normal and diluted/preheated flames of a Gas Turbine Model Combustor, WiPP in CI’s 40th International Symposium on Combustion, 21-26 July 2024, Milan, Italy. 70. Milad Ranjbar, Amir Mardani, Kyung Chun Kim, Effect of Non-Equilibrium DBD Plasma on Swirling Air Diffusion Combustion of Natural Gas/Air Mixture, WiPP in CI’s 40th International Symposium on Combustion, 21-26 July 2024, Milan, Italy. 71. M Talebi, A Mardani, KC Kim, THE EFFECTS OF THE PRESENCE OF PLASMA ACTUATOR ON THE MIXING AND VELOCITY FIELD OF THE MILD COMBUSTION, WiPP in CI’s 40th International Symposium on Combustion, 21-26 July 2024, Milan, Italy. 72. A Mardani,H Kim, S Oh, KC Kim, High Swirl Model Combustor for Ammonia/Hydrogen Fuel Combustion under Highly Preheated Diluted Condition, WiPP in CI’s 40th International Symposium on Combustion, 21-26 July 2024, Milan, Italy. 73. A Mardani, A Tarkanlou, KC Kim, INVESTIGATING THE EFFECT OF THE EDDY DISSIPATION CONCEPT (EDC) MODEL CONSTANTS ON KEROSENE SPRAY FLAME UNDER MILD CONDITIONS, WiPP in CI’s 40th International Symposium on Combustion, 21-26 July 2024, Milan, Italy. |