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Dr. Alireza Sharifi

Assistant Professor

Last updated: Friday, January 17th, 2025

Research Interests and Activities


  Air Navigation

  Cooperative Navigation

  Flight Dynamics

  Control Theory


Journal Papers

1. Ilbeigi. S, Bagherzadeh. A, & Sharifi. A.R. & . (2025),

Applied Neural Network-Based Active Control for Vortex-Induced Vibrations Suppression in a Two-Degree-of-Freedom Cylinder, Physics of Fluids,DOI:10.1063/5.0251228

2. Nobahari. H., Mohammadkarimi. H., & Sharifi. A.R.

3. Sharifi. A.R. & Nayebi. M. (2024),

Applied a Rapidly Exploring Random Tree Algorithm for a Path Generation of a Bicopter Guided by Obstacle Avoidance, Journal of Aeronautical Engineering, (in persian)

4. BaniAsad. A, Pordal. R, Sharifi. A.R. & Nobahari. H., (2024),

Attitude Control of a 3-DoF Quadrotor Platform using a Linear Quadratic IntegralDifferential Game Approach, ISA Transactions.DOI:10.1016/j.isatra.2024.03.005

5. Nobahari. H., Mohammadkarimi. H., & Sharifi. A.R. (2023),

Model-Aided Inertial Navigation Applied to Wind Estimation for a Fixed Wing UAV, Journal of Aeronautical Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 1. (in persian) Link

6. Sharifi. A.R., & Asghari. J. (2023).

Feedback-Optimizing Heuristic Model Predictive Control Applied to a Wind Turbine for Suppressing the Tower Vibrations, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. DOI:10.1142/S0219455423501857

7. Sharifi. A.R., & Salarieh. H. (2023).

An Adaptive Synergetic Controller Applied to Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine Unit, Applied Energy, 333, p.120535.DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.120535

8. Nobahari. H., & Sharifi. A.R. (2020).

Multiple Model Extended Continuous Ant Colony Filter Applied to Real-Time Estimation of the Wind in a Fixed-Wing UAV. Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. DOI:10.1016/j.engappai.2020.103629

9. Nobahari. H., & Sharifi. A.R. (2019).

A Hybridization of Extended Kalman Filter and Ant Colony Optimization for State Estimation of Nonlinear Systems. Journal of Applied Soft Computing, pp.411-423. DOI:10.1016/j.asoc.2018.10.01074

10. Namdari. H., Allahverdizadeh. F., & Sharifi. A.R. (2020),

Robust Composite Nonlinear Feedback Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous Systems under Parameter Uncertainty, External Disturbance, and Input Saturation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. DOI: 10.1177/0954410018790368

11. Sharifi, A.R., Foroughi. M., & Nobahari. H. (2018).

Design and Real-time Implementation of the Adaptive-Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for a Temperature Control System using Model-Based Design. Journal of Space Science and Technology (JSST), Volume 10, No 4, Pages 9-17. Link

12. Nobahari. H., & Sharifi. A.R. (2014).

Continuous Ant Colony Filter Applied to Online Estimation and Compensation of Ground effect in Automatic Landing of Quadrotor. Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Published by Elsevier Ltd, Volume 32, Pages 110-111. DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2014.03.004

Book Chapters

1. Castaldi. P., Narimani. M., Emami. A., & Sharifi. A.R., (2024).

Aircraft Automatic Control Systems. In the Encyclopedia of Systems and Control Engineering, DOI:10.1016/B978-0-443-14081-5.00029-5

2. Nobahari. H., Sharifi. A.R., & Mohammadkarimi. H. (2013).

Swarm Intelligence Techniques Applied to Non-Linear Systems State Estimation. In Advances in Heuristic Signal Processing and Applications, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 219-241. DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-37880-5_10

Conference Papers

1. Mirsaeidi. H. & Sharifi. A.R., (2023).

Heuristic-Based Trajectory Optimization for Drone Flocking with Obstacle Avoidance, In 202310th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM), IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/ICRoM60803.2023.10412612

2. Nobahari. H., Baniasad. A., & Sharifi. A.R. (2022).

Linear Quadratic Integral Differential Game applied to the Real-time Control of a Quadrotor Experimental setup, In 2022 10th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM), pp. 578-583. IEEE. DOI:10.1109/ICRoM57054.2022.10025263

3. Sharifi. A.R., & Salarieh. H. (2022).

Model Aided Navigation applied to improve the accuracy of the Attitude and Heading Reference System during maneuver of a fixed wing UAV, Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME) 2022, Tehran, Iran, December 2022. (in persian) Link

4. Nobahari. H., & Sharifi. A.R. (2019).

Wind Compensation in Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller based on the Particle Swarm Optimization for a fixed wing UAV, The 7th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 20-21 November 2019, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. DOI:10.1109/ICRoM48714.2019.9071829

5. Sharifi. A.R., & Nobahari. H. (2017).

Wind Estimation in a Fixed-Wing UAV using Robust Extended Kalman Filter, Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME) 2017, Tehran, Iran, December 2017. (in persian) Link

6. Sharifi. A.R., Siadati. S.M. & Nobahari. H. (2017).

Design and Implementation of a Position Controller Based on Model Identification in a Servomechanism, Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME) 2017, Tehran, Iran, December 2017. (in persian) Link

7. Sharifi. A.R., Nobahari. H., & Mohammadkarimi. H. (2016).

Wind Model Estimation in a Fixed-Wing UAV based on Model-Based Navigation, International Navigation Conference (INC) 2016, Tehran, Iran, December 2016. (in persian) Link

8. Sharifi. A.R., Mohammadzadeh. M.H., & Nobahari. H. (2016).

Implementation of a Sliding Mode Controller for a 3DOF Experimental Setup for a Quadrotor using Automatic Code Generation Tool, International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society (AERO) 2016, Tehran, Iran, March 2016. (in persian). Link

9. Sharifi. A.R., Foroughi. M., & Nobahari. H. (2016).

Design and Implementation of the Adaptive-Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for a Temperature Control using Model-Based Design, International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society (AERO) 2016, Tehran, Iran, March 2016. (in persian). Link

10. Nobahari. H, Raoufi. M., & Sharifi. A.R. (2016).

A Heuristic Filter Based on Firefly Algorithm for Nonlinear State Estimation, In 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), ATHENS, GREECE, December 2016. DOI:10.1109/SSCI.2016.7850275

11. Mohammadkarimi. H, Nobahari. H, & Sharifi. A.R. (2016).

A New Approximative Method for Attitude Correction in Inertial Navigation Systems, 7th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE), 394-399, August 2016. DOI:10.1109/ICMAE.2016.7549572

12. Sharifi. A.R., & Nobahari. H. (2016).

Multiple Model Filters Applied to Wind Model Estimation for a Fixed Wing UAV, 7th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE), 109-115, August 2016. DOI:10.1109/ICMAE.2016.7549518

13. Nobahari. H., Ghasemzadeh. A. R., & Sharifi. A.R. (2016).

Implementation of an Integral LQR Controller Based on State Observer in a Servomechanism for Position Control, Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME) 2016, Yazd, Iran, April 2016. (in persian) Link

14. Nobahari. H., Shayestehzadeh. M., Sharifi. A.R. & Azadi, A.H. (2015).

Implementation and Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of the Automatic Landing System for a Quad-rotor, International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society (AERO) 2015, Tehran, Iran, March 2015. (in persian) Link

15. Nouranian. E., Nobahari. H., & Sharifi. A.R. (2015).

Design, Implementation and Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of the Attitude Control System for a Quad-rotor Stand, International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society (AERO) 2015, Tehran, Iran, March 2015. (in persian) Link

16. Nobahari. H., Effati. M., & Sharifi. A.R. (2015).

Localization of a Moving Target Using a UAV Utilizing Extended Kalman Filter, International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society (AERO) 2015, Tehran, Iran, March 2015. (in persian) Link

17. Nobahari. H., & Sharifi. A.R.(2014).

Autolanding of a Quadrotor under the Ground Effect using Sliding Mode Control and Continuous Ant Colony Filter, Iranian Conference on Intelligent Systems (ICIS) 2014, Bam, Iran, 2014. (in persian) Link

18. Nobahari. H., & Sharifi. A.R. (2012).

A Novel Heuristic Filter Based on Ant Colony Optimization for Non-linear Systems State Estimation, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, pp 20-29, 2012. DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-34289-9_3.

19. Moustofizadeh. A., Menshadi. M. D., & Sharifi. A.R. (2011).

Design of a Practical Algorithm for the Test Section of the Vertical Wind Tunnel, International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society (AERO) 2011, Tehran, Iran, March 2011. (in persian) Link

20. Menshadi. M.D., & Sharifi. A.R. (2011).

The Repair and Reconstruction of a Subsonic Wind Tunnel by Physical Metallurgical Process, International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society (AERO) 2011, Tehran, Iran, March 2011. (in persian) Link

Courses Taught


  Introduction to Aerospace Engineering


  Automatic Control

  Design of Aerial Robotics

  Control Systems Laboratory

  Instrumentation Workshop


  Integrated Navigation

  Modeling in Aerospace Vehicles

  Advanced Automatic Control

  Guidance & Navigation I

Honors and Awards


  2024, Outstanding Young Teacher Award of the Year, Awarded by Sharif University of Technology.

  2023, Shahid Ashtiani ِYoung Assistant Professor Award, Irans National Elites Foundation.

  2022, Iranian Best PhD Thesis Award of the Year, Awarded by Iranian Aerospace Society.

  2021, Winner of the Postdoc fellowship from Iran National Science Foundation and Sharif University.

  2021, Winner of the Postdoc fellowship (Shahid Chamran Grant) from Iran National Elite Foundation.

  2018, Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award of the Year, Awarded by Sharif University of Technology, Department of Aerospace Engineering.

  2018, Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award of the Year, Awarded by Society of Aerospace Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Department of Aerospace Engineering.

  2018, Outstanding Student Award of the Year, Awarded by Sharif University of Technology for participation in selecting best Iranian student of the year.

  2017, Outstanding Student Researcher Award of the Year, Awarded by Sharif University of Technology, Department of Aerospace Engineering.

  2016, Membership of Iran National Elites Foundation, Recipient of the grant and membership of Iran National Elites Foundation for outstanding academic success.

  2015, Membership of Iran National Elites Foundation, Recipient of the grant and membership of Iran National Elites Foundation for outstanding academic success.

  2014, Iranian Best MSc Thesis Award of the Year, Awarded by Iranian Aerospace Society.

  2013, First rank in the National PhD. Entrance Exam, Ph.D. entrance exam in Aerospace Engineering of Iranian Universities.

  2013, First Rank among the graduated students in MSc Program, Flight dynamics and control, Aerospace Department, Sharif University of Technology.

Supervised Students

Master's Students

  H. Mirsaeidi, "Implementation of the Safe Path in a Complex Environment based on Koopman Operator for Quadrotor Swarms", 2024.

  A.R. Mostafaei, "Implementation of the Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) based on the Polarization of the Light using the Koopman Operator for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle", 2024.

  M. Hadipour, "Implementation of a Cooperative Inertial Navigation System for a Swarm of Autonomous Drones

  based on the Artificial Intelligence during GPS-Loss", 2024. Proposal

  A. Mesbah (Co-supervised with Dr. Pourtakdoust), "Autonomous Safe Landing of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle via Adaptive Prediction-Based Control Barrier Functions in the Presence of Atmospheric Uncertainties", 2024. Proposal

  F. Yousefi (Co-supervised with Dr. Pourtakdoust), "Estimation Accuracy Enhancement of Euler Angles and Altitude for a Four-Wing Micro flapping Robot via Model-Aided Navigation", 2024. Proposal

B.Sc. Students

  M. Nayebi, and A. Baharvand, (Group project), "Implementation of an Intelligent Arrangement Method for quadrotor swarm flight in indoor environments",2024. Proposal

  S. Mahfar, "Path Tracking of a Quadruped Robot Based on Reinforcement Learning", 2024. Proposal

  H. Fadaee,"Improved Integration of the Inertial Navigation System (INS) with SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) in Unknown Environment", 2024. Proposal

  Z. Ghadiri, "A Comparison of the Performance of Path Planning Algorithms in the Flight of a Hexacopter", Summer 2024. (Graduated: Fall 2024). Proposal, Document, Presentation


  M. Hadipour, S. M. Tabatabaee and A. Rezaei , (Group project), "Implementation of a North-Finding Algorithm for a Quadcopter During Flight, taken off from an Unmanned Ground Vehicle", Summer 2023. Proposal, Poster, Document, Presentation,(Graduated: Spring 2024).

  A.R. Mostafaei, H. Mirsaeidi and H. Hojjatipour, (Group project), "Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation for a Swarm of Autonomous Drones with Collision Avoidance Capability", Summer 2023. Proposal, Poster, Document, Powerpoint, Picture1, Picture2, Picture3,(Graduated: Spring 2024).

  S. Ilbeigi،, "Applied Active Control of Vortex-Induced Vibration (VIV) for a Cylinder using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms", Spring 2023.(Graduated: Fall 2024). Proposal, Document

Research Assistants

  R. Pordal, "Implementation of the Swarms Flight for the Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs)", Summer 2024.

  R. Pordal, "Safety Research on Stabilization of Autonomous Vehicles based on Linear Quadratic Integral Differential Game (LQDG) Controller", Fall 2024.



Phone: (+98) 66168115

Fax: (+98) 21 6602 2731

Email: ar.sharifi

Google Scholar:


Sharif University of Technlogy
Department of Aerospace Engineering
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