Format of Reports

Please note that the papers which are not compatible with the instructed format will not be accepted.

1. The full paper can be maximum 100 pages and it must be on A4 pages (21x 29.7 cm), one column in each page.

2. Line spacing must be 1.5 lines. There must be a one line space between the first line of the paragraph and its title, and a 2 lines space between the last line and the title of the next paragraph.

3. Additional information must be written on a separate page.

4. The paper must contain the followings:
          a. Title, maximum 10 words.
          b. Author/Authors name, organization, section, country.
          c. Maximum six keywords.

          d. Abstract, Maximum 10 line.
          e. An introduction which covers the main subject, research method, application and results.
          f. The main body.
          g. Conclusion paragraph, which includes research advantages, disadvantages and application.
          h. List of sources. 
               Sources should have the same reference number as they had through
                the main article, and their sequence should be as follow:

  Magazines and newsletters

          Author’s name/ Article's title/magazine’s name 
          and number/year of publish/page

          Author’s name/book’s title/translator’s name/

          edition number/press/ year of publish                 

5. Please make sure that for typing your article you use Office 2000, Office XP, or Office 2003.

6. Word file of final writing should be copy on CD and send to NUDC office.

 Typing Instruction                                           


Article Section

English Font


Tahoma 16 Bold

Author's information

Tahoma 13 Bold


Tahoma 11

Key words

Tahoma 11 Bold

Paragraphs' titles

Tahoma 13 Bold

Footnotes/tables/pictures /diagrams

Tahoma 10 Bold

Table's text

Tahoma 10

English words and formulas

Tahoma 12

Main text

Tahoma 13

* Please do not use italic or underlined font.

  Important notes:                                            

- Reports which are receiving before 25th of May 2006 will be judged.

- After the paper has been accepted the author can not withdraw.

- Papers will be evaluated by the scientific-expert committee according to their subjects.

 - The conference secretariat will only contact the presenter.

- For any further information and in order to have access to other forms or instructions,
   please visit our site or contact the competition secretariat.

 - Papers which are from student’s thesis, if containing the professor's name, must also contain 
              his approval.

Report Template  English. PDF





Tel/Fax:  +98 021 66022736
